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White Waterin’

Plenty of raging rapids round here

Published online: Apr 16, 2022 Articles, East Idaho Outdoors, Lifestyle, Outdoors Jason Harris
Viewed 1632 time(s)

Idaho is known for its winter wonderland. And that only means one thing comes in spring and summer: water. As it makes its way down for agricultural and hydroelectric uses, there are plenty of ways to enjoy it recreationally. 

Braving the whitewater rapids, whether by raft, kayak or surfboard, this region has plenty of choices. The most whitewater you will find around here is on the Snake River or Salmon River. Other, calmer rivers to consider include Greys River, Buffalo River, Salt River, Teton River and Portneuf River. 

These pictures show our two families joining together to float the South Fork of the Snake River. We rented our raft from Brigham Young University-Idaho (BYU-I) and had a wonderful time. Such a fun, different way to spend time together. 


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