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Adventure Biking in East Idaho

Freedom on Wheels

Published in the June 2022 Issue Published online: Jul 07, 2022 Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation, East Idaho Outdoors, Outdoors Todd McKelley
Viewed 1772 time(s)

At Eagle Rock Indian Motorcycle, we do more than just sell motorcycles to people. We share stories. We spread passion.

My passion for riding began on a dirt bike when I was just 8 years old. I set off on my old Hodaka ACE from my family’s summer home and was gone all day and long past twilight. It was the first taste of freedom I had ever had. It gave me an incredible sense of independence. 

To my mother’s dismay, I enjoyed this newfound freedom well into the evening hours. When I wasn’t home by 10:45 p.m. she was sure I was dead. It didn’t cross my mind to return home sooner. I was flying. There was nothing else like that feeling.

I would explore trails like the Pole Line Road and other logging roads in Island Park. That was when it was good. That’s the motorcycle experience I always want to have. It’s why I ride today—to feel like that 8-year-old kid again.

When I talk to customers in the shop today and they ask me how an adventure or dual sport bike is different from the bike I rode as a kid, I get excited. The bikes I rode back then gave me an unmatched experience, like flying, but on wheels. Adventure bikes take it to the next level.

On an adventure bike, you don’t have to haul your bike to the trail and deal with the pain of loading or trailering. Your adventure can start in your driveway. You can ride your bike to the trail. It redefines adventure.

Adventure bikes have a special design that provides the ability to travel on streets and highways then perform on the most demanding of off-road conditions. This way you can customize your trip with no problems.

Adventure bikes work great for commuting to and from work and all the standard things you do in town. When you’re en route to your favorite trail, you experience a motorcycle ride. When you arrive at the trailhead, the adventure begins. This is dual sport riding. This is adventure biking.

I like to inform our customers on the world class opportunities that are available to them in East Idaho and the surrounding areas. There are people flying thousands of miles from Germany and other places around the world just to ride on one of our trails. We are so fortunate to live in the area we do as no one has trails quite like we do.

The Magruder Corridor from Darby over to Elk City, that’s considered a world class ride. The road was closed for years, but now it’s a go-to place for dual sport bikes because these bikes can handle it.

The ride from Bear Lake to West Yellowstone over by Old Faithful is another one. It takes you into two national parks and gives you a closeup of the Caribou Mountains and other natural wonders. That’s huge! Where else can you find an opportunity like this? We have it right here in our backyard, and traveling these trails on an adventure bike makes the experience unforgettable.

If you want freedom, head over to Eagle Rock Indian Motorcycle and ask us how it’s done. We’ll show you how to make great memories.

For more information
Eagle Rock Indian Motorcycle 845 Milligan Rd | 208-525-1901


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