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Eastern Idaho Down Syndrome Family Connect

Building connections in the Down syndrome community

Published in the August 2022 Issue Published online: Aug 03, 2022 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, Social
Viewed 1105 time(s)

OUR MISSION IS TO BUILD A POSITIVE CONNECTION between individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and Eastern Idaho. We do this by providing education, advocacy, support, and resources to help
facilitate inclusion within the local community.

What is Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. The extra chromosome
changes development during pregnancy and continues to have effects after birth and throughout a person’s life. Each person with Down syndrome is unique with varying health, learning, and physical differences.

Our Programs

Eastern Idaho Down Syndrome Family Connect offers a wide range of programs to facilitate connections in the community. These programs include:

BrynnLe’s Baskets
– Baskets filled with gifts and information given to families with a new baby with Down syndrome.

First Call
– Receiving the news that your baby has Down syndrome can be filled with many emotions. We are here to help. Call us at 208-716-6504 for support.

NICU Assistance
– Many babies with Down syndrome have intensive medical needs at birth. We provide funds to help the families.

EIDS Cares
– We deliver a gift to any individual with Down syndrome who is in the hospital for a prolonged period of time due to a surgery or illness.

– We give grants to families to help cover costs of medical/adaptive equipment, guardianship fees, and other

Down Syndrome Awareness Lessons
– We have lesson plans and kits to teach kids and adults about Down syndrome.
Social Events – These provide safe and supported environments for our families to bond.

Dash for Down Syndrome
– Our annual fundraiser in August, come participate in the 10K, 3.21 mile, or 1 mile fun run/walk and enjoy a fun celebration.

iCan Bike
– A national program we bring here in the summer to teach 30 to 40 people with disabilities to ride two wheeled bikes!

– We provide tutoring to individuals with Down syndrome. Research-based materials and best practices are used during tutoring.

Educational Panels and Classes
– We host a variety of presentations to help educate the parents and caretakers of
individuals with Down syndrome.

Mom’s and Dad’s Retreats
– Moms and dads who have kids with Down syndrome can attend these retreats to gain knowledge and skills while bonding with other parents.

Grandparent Support Group
– We support grandparents through educational and social gatherings.

Gifts from Gracen
– This is a resource for families to help cover funeral expenses when loved ones with Down syndrome pass away.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is comprised of all volunteers. For more information or to volunteer, go to or email


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