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Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center Hosts Angel Dash

Published online: Aug 18, 2022 East Idaho Health, East Idaho Nonprofits, Events, Health & Wellness
Viewed 2908 time(s)

 Idaho Falls, ID - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center is proud to host a satellite location of the 2022 Angel Dash. The Angel Dash is a national memorial walk/run in recognition of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. It will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 12pm at Freeman Park Bandshell located at 1290 Science Center Drive in Idaho Falls.

This is a community event in which families are encouraged to attend. You can sign up to attend in person or virtually by going to to register. Every one that registers will receive an event t-shirt and there will be a special memorial moment at the conclusion for families who have experienced a pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or infant loss.

The proceeds benefit Rachel’s Gift, an organization Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center has recently partnered with to provide free education to hospital staff and bereavement resources for families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss in our community.

This collaboration allows staff to have access to various resources and tangible items to gently guide patients and families through their time of crisis. Families served also receive supportive follow up care, support group access, and connections with local, regional, and national resources.

ABOUT RACHEL’S GIFT Rachel’s Gift, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2008. Funding is provided by community events, grants, hospital support, and generous donations from the communities served. To learn more, visit and connect with us on social media.


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