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Siren Songs

Published online: Sep 14, 2022 Arts & Culture, Best of IF, Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation, Education And Arts, Events, Family Fun Guide, Lifestyle
Viewed 2090 time(s)

The Idaho Falls Arts Council is excited to be hosting Siren Songs, a duo who specializes in Americana and folk music, on Thursday, September 15th. They will be performing original music featuring stunning vocals and gorgeous harmonies. This show will also include some favorite folk and Americana classics with reimagined arrangements. Each member of the duo plays variety of instruments including banjo, guitar, viola and dulcimer. Tickets are $40.

Nationally touring artists Siren Songs was formed by long time best friends Merideth Kaye Clark and Jenn Grinels in late 2019. Since then, they have released a debut album and six singles to effusive critical praise, been featured on radio all over the world and even received support from their hero Dolly Parton.

This show is the inaugural event of the A-Street Music Sessions, which is replacing the Carr Gallery Sessions series. This new program will feature intimate nights of music in the Carr Gallery. Audience member will be much closer to the entertainers with beer, wine and light refreshments available for purchase.

The Idaho Falls Arts Council is a private nonprofit organization which owns and operates: ARTitorium on Broadway, The Colonial Theater, and the Willard Arts Center. The mission of IFAC, in cooperation with other arts organizations, is to educate our community and enrich its quality of life by promoting, advocating, and presenting a broad spectrum of visual and performing arts in eastern Idaho.

For questions regarding information contained in this release, please contact Jordyn Eckman, Marketing Manager, at or at 208-522-0471.


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