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Time to Get Moving!

It’s Not About Losing Weight

Published in the September 2022 Issue Published online: Sep 01, 2022 Health & Wellness
Viewed 651 time(s)


EXERCISE IS NO LONGER SOMETHING YOU DO STRICTLY FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Physical inactivity is taking a heavy toll on us physically, mentally and even economically.

• 50% to 60% of the U.S. adult population has at least one chronic disease. 25% to 40% have two or more.
• At least 80% of all heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes, along with more than 40% of cancers, could be prevented    if the four key behavioral risk factors that fuel chronic disease were eliminated. These factors are physical inactivity,          unhealthy diet, tobacco use and too much alcohol.
• Americans spend 3 trillion dollars treating existing health issues, only 2% of which is for preventive care like physical      activity and lifestyle behaviors.
• Obesity is the number one reason why 70% of all 17- to 24-year-olds do not qualify to serve in the military.
• Almost 40% of all U.S. adults are considered obese.
• Over 30 million U.S. adults have type 2 diabetes.

There Might Just Be a Miracle Pill – But It’s Tough for Most to Swallow
A daily dose of physical activity can change your life, and the cold hard truth of the matter is you MUST move your body.

Consider this: NOT exercising for a week has the same negative impact on a person’s state-of-mind as seven nights of broken sleep, according to the study by ASICS.

The good news is that, despite the decline in mood that physical inactivity can cause, after just 15 minutes and 9 seconds of physical activity you trigger a positive change in your mental state. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. That’s actually only a bit over 20 minutes every day. EASY! Just move more, with more intensity, and sit less. You don’t have to make a big life change to see the benefits.

Regular physical activity can relieve stress, anxiety, depression and anger. You know that feel-good sensation you get after doing something physical? Think of it as a happy pill with no side effects. Also, regular exercise increases muscle strength and cardiovascular improvement which in turn increases your ability to do other physical activities. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be able to keep up with the kids, hike and bike more, and generally be more active and have more fun?

ACE (American Council on Exercise) Fitness researchers (many Club Apple Trainers are certified by ACE) are shifting the primary focus away from losing weight and are instead focusing on physical activity for improving overall physical and mental health.

Physical activity can positively affect over 30 chronic conditions, making it one of the best deterrents of chronic disease. But most important, regular movement and cardio exercise helps in the positive functioning of daily life. Get moving! If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?

Ray Gordon is a Manager at Club Apple in Idaho Falls with over 42 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Ray has been regularly invited as a guest speaker to the International Health and Racquet Sports Association (IHRSA), CanFit and other international health and fitness conventions. Ray has also served as the president of the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce


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