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U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Office Employees Receive National Recognition

Published online: Feb 07, 2023 Articles
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Idaho Falls, ID — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently recognized two employees from the Idaho Operations Office (DOE-Idaho) for their outstanding performance in their fields of expertise.

Dee Ann Brown, Acting Director for the Idaho Operations Office Security Division, was recently recognized among all U.S. Department of Energy security professionals as the 2021 Security Professional of the Year.

Brown’s recognition is part of DOE’s Outstanding Security Award Program, which recognizes employees who excel in the performance of their duties while providing security services, or support, to the Department’s protective missions. During Ms. Brown’s participation in new 2021 INL projects, including new reactor siting studies, she clearly evidenced her expert ability to support both the INL mission and minimize impacts to security operations. As the acting director for the DOE-Idaho Security Division, Brown oversees personnel security and emergency management operations at the Idaho National Laboratory Site.

Jeffery Duplessis, Idaho Operations Office Senior Facility Representative at the Idaho National Laboratory’s Advanced Test Reactor Complex, was also recently recognized among all U.S. Department of Energy facility representatives as the 2021 Facility Representative of the Year.

Each year the DOE recognizes the Facility Representative whose achievements during the calendar year are most exemplary. This very important program is vital at all DOE facilities. Facility Representatives assure that all U.S. Department of Energy facilities are operated in a manner that protects not only the workers, but the public and the environment as well. Duplessis fulfilled his responsibilities as a Department of Energy facility representative throughout 2021 in a manner that clearly demonstrated leadership and dedication to excellence, fulfilling his responsibilities in a manner that clearly exceeded normal expectations, making notable contributions that clearly distinguished his performance and achievements.

“Brown and Duplessis’ demonstrated passion for their work is evident throughout their oversight performance,” said Idaho Operations Office Manager Robert Boston. “And, in the way they work as a team member with others. Both display a willingness to tackle initiatives beyond those normally expected and continually strive to achieve excellence,” said Boston.

DOE-ID manages the Idaho National Laboratory, the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, and performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. For more information, visit


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