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IF Symphony Gives the Gift of Music

Published online: Dec 04, 2023 Best of IF, Holidays
Viewed 1459 time(s)

Music has always been an important part of the holiday season. Whether attending concerts or making music with family and friends, musical traditions are embedded in our experience of this festive and celebratory time of year. Season 74 of the Idaho Falls Symphony is called “Reverie,” and upcoming concerts are designed to do just as the season title suggests: to help us lose ourselves in the pleasant, fanciful musings of music while celebrating the holiday season.

After a busy semester, the Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestra and Preparatory String Orchestra performed their Winter Concert on Thursday, Nov. 30 at the newly-minted Frontier Center for the Performing Arts. Our students represent the best of our organization, and their commitment to achieving musical excellence is an inspiration for us all. Fortunately, their performances are a gift that can be enjoyed for free by audiences of all ages in our community.

Coming up on Saturday, Dec. 16, the entire community is invited to enjoy the return of Mariachi Champaña Nevin, the award-winning Mariachi ensemble that has pioneered performances with Symphony orchestras throughout the US and Latin America. This year’s performance features a special celebration of Las Posadas, the Latin American festival and musical celebration that takes place in the week before Navidad. The concert will be a bilingual experience that caters to English and Spanish-speaking audiences alike. Traditional songs in both languages will be performed by Mexican soprano Monica Abrego.

“Qué honor traer la música de Mariachi, la Sinfónica y el viaje espiritual de Las Posadas a Idaho Falls,” remarks Concert Sponsor and beloved Symphony supporter, Anna Maria Gruel. “Al crecer como mexicana en una familia numerosa, hubo música en nuestros bautizos, quinceañeras e incluso funerales. La música une a la gente al igual alegra a los corazones. En el honor a mi padre, espero contribuir a acercar la música a la gente. Invitamos especialmente a nuestra comunidad Latina a la sala de conciertos, para que se reúnan en torno a esta hermosa música en vivo en celebración de Las Posadas y Navidad.”

“What an honor to bring Mariachi music, the Symphony, and the spiritual journey of Las posadas to Idaho Falls. Growing up Mexican in a large family, there was music at our baptisms, and our Quinceañeras, and even our funerals. Music brings people together. In honor of my father, I hope to play a part in bringing music to the people. We especially invite our Latin community to the concert hall, to come together in celebration of Las Posadas and Navidad.”

We hope our community is inspired to give the gift of music this holiday season. Tickets to the Idaho Falls Symphony are affordably priced, and the experience can change lives. You don’t have to just imagine the experience of reverie and passion that accompanies the thrill of a live orchestra – you have that opportunity right here in Idaho Falls! Tickets and information are available online at We wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, and a Happy New Year! We’ll look forward to seeing you at the Symphony.


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