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Bluegrass on the Snake

1st annual music festival, Bluegrass on the Snake, is coming to east Idaho featuring 7 talented bands

Published online: Aug 16, 2024 Education And Arts, Events, Family Fun Guide
Viewed 2831 time(s)

The great number of music performances in east Idaho cover an array of genres, and this fall, two beloved genres and many talented musicians will perform at Freeman Park, bringing more culture to the music scene. 

The awaited musical festival, Bluegrass on the Snake, will be held on Sep. 7 from 12 to 7 p.m., alongside the Snake River at Freeman Park, near the band pavilion. 

Seven bands will play bluegrass and old-time fiddle music, and most notably, Jacie Sites is expected to headline the festival. Jacie Sites is a nationally renowned fiddler who has been recognized as the National Fiddle Champion and the Grand Master Fiddler Champion, among winning many other contests over the years.

The seven bands that are anticipated to play are the Snake River Strings, Bluegrass Disciples, Maggie Wight, Music Bachs, Mountain Strings, Kentucky Sky and a group of talented fiddler kids from the Sites Violin Shop.

The festival is set to raise money for CYA Idaho, a local non-profit organization, and this year marks the festival’s first annual concert.

The Community Youth in Action (CYA) is a non-profit organization made up of three different teams with similar missions—to nurture a healthy youth in the community. When two kind-hearted natives of Idaho Falls learned about the organization, they wanted to do what they could to help the cause. 

Teresa and Monty Mortensen are music enthusiasts and members of the Mountain Strings Bluegrass Band. Through their shared love of music, the idea of holding a concert in the community to raise money for the non-profit came naturally. 

CYA Idaho was founded in 2018 by Becky Leatham, who wanted to make sure the voices of teens were heard. The organization has had a lot of growth over the years and continues to focus on youth leadership, providing music, cooking, and fitness classes, among other enrichment classes for grades 7–12, and connecting youth and families with food, clothing, and medical or mental health needs.

“We are very impressed with what this facility is trying to do to help kids in our community, and we want to help,” Teresa said.

Staff members from CYA Idaho will be on-site to answer any questions, and to educate the community about the resources available for the youth. This event is free to the public, and food and beverages will be available for purchase. For more information, visit Bluegrass on the Snake @Facebook.


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