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Resource Fair Set for INL Workforce

Published online: Sep 18, 2024 Events
Viewed 3025 time(s)

United Energy Workers Healthcare is hosting a Lunch n’ Learn Resource Fair where Department of Energy, Idaho National Laboratory and Argonne West workers and contractors can come to learn about how they can unlock all the benefits of this healthcare program. 

The event will be held on Oct. 4 at the Holiday Inn & Suites from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Both members and non-members can attend this event for free. 

United Energy Workers Healthcare is a home healthcare company that began with the inspirational story of a family in Utah.

Travis and Chad Shumway’s grandfather spent his career in the uranium mines of Blanding, Utah that eventually resulted in a uranium-related illness. After their grandfather’s passing, Travis and Chad were inspired to help other families with similar experiences. 

United Energy Workers Healthcare was founded with the mission to offer care for those who work or have worked for any Department of Energy facility. UEW Healthcare has since become a nationwide home healthcare company, and continues to honor the men and women who have worked for nuclear facilities. 

“We want to help former and current Department of Energy workers take advantage of the EEOICPA program,” Jaden Hunsaker, benefit advisor with UEW Healthcare, said. “We want to spread the word about it because there’s so many benefits that the program can provide.” 

The EEOICPA program is the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act that provides medical benefits to former and current Department of Energy workers all over the country. 

Through UEW Healthcare, members can benefit from compensation benefits up to $400,000 (depending on their impairment) or attain what’s called a Department of Labor White Card. The Department of White Card is for members who have suffered illnesses related to the exposure of chemicals at a Department of Energy facility, and will cover the home healthcare costs up to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

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