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Scalar Wellness Center

“A New Era of Well Being”

Published online: Sep 03, 2024 East Idaho Health
Viewed 1541 time(s)

Owner, Susan Goodwin (left) and Manager, Nancy Robbins (right)

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Idaho Falls, Idaho is Scalar Wellness Center LLC. This energy spa has emerged as a sanctuary for those seeking solace in the realm of wellness and is a gateway to transformative health.

Inside the center is a 24-unit Energy Enhancement System™ (EESystem), a technology created by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. For over 40 years, this system has been pioneering the generation of bio-active energy fields - scalar electromagnetic fields (identified by Nikola Tesla) and bio-photonic light frequencies. These fields are designed to foster a myriad of health benefits such as cell regeneration, detoxification, improved immune function and enhanced energy levels that nurture the holistic well-being of the mind, body and soul. Being immersed in these frequencies, the body begins to heal itself at a cellular level. 

“It allows our cells to recharge – increasing each cell’s millivolt energy range to promote cellular regeneration,” says Nancy Robbins, General Manager of the Center.

Behind this visionary venture are the Goodwins, whose passion and belief in the transformative power of scalar energy and personal healing experience have fueled their mission to share this technology. The Goodwins first experienced the EESystem in 2022 while Evan was undergoing a trial drug for cancer treatment which had devastating side effects. Evan could feel immediate relief and an increase in his energy levels after spending just a few hours at an EESystem facility in the Salt Lake City area. Since there are no contraindications with traditional medicine or any other healing modalities, Evan was adamant when he stated to Susan, “We need to put a facility like this in Idaho Falls to help others who are suffering.” So, on Nov. 4, 2023, Scalar Wellness Center had its Grand Opening.

The Scalar Wellness Center’s environment is thoughtfully designed to promote relaxation and healing. It features 20 recliners and a softly lit room with the calibrated 24-unit EESystem emitting bioactive frequencies to generate a toroidal field that envelops the space. This setup creates a super healthy environment that enables the body’s natural restoration processes to thrive.

“Venturing into the Scalar Wellness Center was like stepping into a realm of pure tranquility and rejuvenation,” writes Dawna Campbell, International Healer. “Despite the long journey of 7 hours to reach Idaho Falls, each visit unfailingly rewards me with profound relaxation, a deep detoxification that I can feel coursing through every vein, and an unparalleled sense of personal healing.”

For more information about hours, pricing, scheduling, overnight stays, research, testimonials, promotions and events, visit or call 208-346-8828.


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