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Event Details

2021 Kids Tri Harder Triathlon
The Kids Tri Harder Triathlon is the largest kids triathlon in Idaho, serving nearly 300 participants! Come swim, bike, and run your way through the event!
August 14, 2021 06:30 AM - 01:00 PM
The staff at the City of Idaho Falls Wes Deist Aquatic Center is looking for youth of every skill level and ability to be a part of the largest kids’ triathlon in the State of Idaho.

The “Kids Tri Harder Triathlon” will be held Saturday, August 14 at the Wes Deist Aquatic Center, located at 149 Seventh Street in Idaho Falls. Participants from ages three to thirteen can sign up for a time to swim, bike and run with four different distances to choose from based on their desire and skill level.

All events take place at the Aquatic Center. Parents are allowed to help children if needed in all three of the triathlon events and there is even a virtual option for entire families to participate. Participants are allowed to use lifejackets, tricycles, strider bikes or bicycles and lifeguards will be in the water at all times to provide extra safety for the little ones.

Everyone who races will get a medal provided by sponsor, Westmark Credit Union. Participants will also get T-shirts and SWAG bags provided by Wendy’s, Adventure Orthodontics, and other local businesses around the community. A free family breakfast will also be provided thanks to Smith’s Chevrolet.

Cost to register for the triathlon is $25.
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