Community Calendar

Event Details

Great Snake River Idaho Falls Duck Race Car Show
CAR SHOW: August 14th 10am - 4pm. Registration starts at 8am - Show begins at 10 AM. Don't miss the Great Snake River Idaho Falls Idaho Duck Race Car Show! It will be at the boat launch by John’s Hole Bridge. Come see the areas most incredible custom and classic cars, trucks and motorcycles. Participants will be eligible for door prizes and awards. Vendors, music and other Duck Race events will all be present at this location as well.
August 14, 2021 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
CAR SHOW: August 14th 10am - 4pm. Registration starts at 8am - Show begins at 10 AM.

Don't miss the Great Snake River Idaho Falls Idaho Duck Race Car Show! It will be at the boat launch by John’s Hole Bridge. Come see the areas most incredible custom and classic cars, trucks and motorcycles. Participants will be eligible for door prizes and awards.

Vendors, music and other Duck Race events will all be present at this location as well.
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