Community Calendar

Event Details

“Laughing All The Way”: Live Event with Hank Smith, John Bytheway, and Meg
You’ll laugh a lot. You’ll cry (probably from laughing so hard). But most of all, you’ll leave feeling a little bit closer to The Reason for the Season. Join best-selling authors and HILARIOUS motivational speakers Hank Smith, Meg Johnson, and John Bytheway for "Laughing All The Way", an entertaining family Christmas live event! Experience the Christmas spirit through fun, laughter, and inspirational holiday messages at an evening filled with some of the most popular speakers in the industry. Host Mark Williams and special musical guest Carmen Rasmusen Herbert complete the Christmas festivities with entertaining stories and Christmas songs that will have you smiling and caroling along. Laughing All the Way tickets are limited and our events sell out quickly, so reserve your holiday tickets today!
December 13, 2021 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM
All seats are general admission.
Early Bird Pricing (if purchased before November 3rd):
Individual Tickets: $25 each + tax/fees
Group Tickets (4 or more): $20 each + tax/fees
Regular Pricing (if purchased after November 3rd):
Individual Tickets: $30 each + tax/fees
Group Tickets (4 or more): $25 each + tax/fees
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