
Community Calendar

Event Details

Diabetes Night at the Drive-In in Idaho Falls
We are excited to come together, while staying apart! Diabetes Night at the Drive-In in Idaho Falls is an opportunity for the local diabetes community to come together, while staying socially distant in our own vehicles. We'll have some diabetes trivia, watch a movie, and enjoy the community vibe. Feel free to come with a decorated face or car for Halloween if you'd like! Gates open at 6:45pm & diabetes trivia begins at 7:45pm, movie begins right after trivia fun. The movie is Shrek, rated PG. Pre-registration is required for all guests. We will provide each car with a movie goody bag at the gate. The snack bar will be closed, but you are welcome to bring your own dinner or additional snackies for your car! Your safety is so important to us. We have some COVID Procedures each of us need to follow to make the night happen. Please review this document prior to RSVPing. You will need to agree to it when you RSVP. RSVP at hodia.org/events. This event is presented by Camp Hodia, the Rigby Lions Club, and the Lions of Eastern Idaho.
October 23, 2020 07:45 PM - 09:15 PM
Friday, October 23, 2020 from 7:45 PM to 9:15 PM MDT

Motor Vu Drive-In
2095 N Yellowstone Hwy
Idaho Falls, ID 83401

RSVP to hodia.org/events
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