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War Bonnet
Idaho's Oldest Rodeo, The War Bonnet Round Up 2021
August 05, 2021 05:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Idaho's Oldest Rodeo, the War Bonnet Round Up, is back for its 109th year!

The Round Up was originally started in 1911 by a group of local businessman and then was later taken over by the Chamber of Commerce. Eventually, the American Legion Department of Idaho Post 56 nonprofit veteran’s organization took over the reins. In recent years, the City of Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Department bought the Rodeo. Over the years, the rodeo has been held at various locations including Tautphaus Park and is now held at Sandy Downs, a city-owned facility. Today, more than 500 cowboys and cowgirls compete each summer in front of more than 15,000 rodeo enthusiasts. The Legion grew the widely popular event into the show it is today and for that, we are forever grateful.

This year marks the seventh year the City of Idaho Falls and the Parks & Recreation Department has run this historic rodeo, and we are honored to welcome back the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall. From the beginning, the tribes provided the most colorful component of the rodeo, making the War Bonnet Roundup an important part of eastern Idaho’s culture and tradition. We are very passionate about maintaining and building upon this legacy.

A PRCA sanctioned event, we aim to bring the best rodeo talent and stock in to compete in a family friendly atmosphere. This year’s rodeo will be held August 5th through August 7th, at the Bank of Idaho Arena at Sandy Downs.

Parking opens at 5 pm, with the kid's rodeo beginning at 6 pm, the regular rodeo beginning at 7 pm, and the event ending around 10 pm.

No outside food allowed into the event. Only clear water bottles with their seals intact are allowed. Parking is not included in the ticket price. Parking is $5 and comes with a free program.

SEATS ARE FIRST-COME, FIRST SERVE. Tickets guarantee admission into the arena, NOT seats. If you want to have a seat, we recommend arriving at 5 pm!

Sandy Downs Arena
6855 South 15th East
Idaho Falls ID
Frequency: 3 Day(s)
Recurring Through: August 07, 2021
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