Community Calendar

Event Details

A Gathering of Writers
Writer's conference
September 28, 2024 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
A Gathering of Writers
Eastern Idaho Writer’s League Conference
September 28, 2024
9 am - 6 pm
Bonneville County Fairgrounds Extension Office

The Eastern Idaho Writer’s League is hosting a “Gathering of Writers” Conference.

We are a not for profit that started out as the Idaho Writer’s League in 1940 and evolved into the Eastern Idaho Writer’s League. Find our history on the website and we welcome you to be part of our future. We are founded and led by writer’s who enjoy the writing process and sharing it with others. Please join us.

Colleen Story - The Overwhelmed Writer
Bret Wilson - How to Write Engaging Conflict
Gary Hogg - Pen, Publish, Print & Promote
Marla Melior - A “How-To” Guide for Self-Publishing
Joseph Giebel - Poetry Activity
Tiffany Zweifel - Common Grammar Mistakes
Patti Sherlock - Fun with “Point of View”

All day conference, including lunch $100
Half day $50

All ages and skills are invited. The second half is geared towards first-time or young writers.
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