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Presents Merrill Page on Bullying and Suicide Prevention
Presents Merrill Page on Bullying and Suicide Prevention
February 12, 2025 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
In his formative years, Merrill Page was often the target for bullies for being too short, to fat, tall and skinny, 'different' looking, and for having speech impediments and dyslexia. He was labeled with a lot of things that was 'on the outside' but people failed to look at what or who he was on the inside. As a result, he grew to have a lot of self-doubt and saw little light or potential for the future. He became suicidal and fortunately survived three attempts on his own life. After his last attempt, his father told him, “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” That was a turning point in his life, and he decided he wanted to make a difference in the world.

Merrill studied music therapy in college and discovered how music can help with memory, reducing anxiety and pain, and how it reaches into a heart and mind in ways that words alone don't. For over 20 years, Merrill has been working with individuals with mental health issues, developmental delays, and discovered that many of them have faced issues with bullying themselves, creating life long scars and many with years of accompanying depression, anxiety and other problems.

Merrill is coming to tell us his story and let us know what he is doing to help prevent others from contemplating and attempting suicide like he once did.

As always, attendance to our Town Halls is free but donations are greatly appreciated.
Snake River Event Center (Shilo Inn), 780 Lindsay Blvd., Idaho Falls
6:30pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)
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