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Supporting Downtown in Style

Idaho Falls is 'Falling into Fashion' on Sept. 26 at the DEC

Published online: Sep 09, 2019 Articles, East Idaho Business, East Idaho Weddings, Events
Viewed 4701 time(s)

Looking for a more fashionable way to support the city’s local downtown boutiques? Set your calendar for Sept. 26 for the inaugural 'Falling into Fashion' Downtown Runway Event.

The 7 p.m. fashion show at The DEC will serve as the launch for a weekend’s worth of shopping at local boutiques, including Healing Hands, Nostalgic Boutique, Pandora’s Baubles & Beads, Lily’s II, Lemon Meringue, San Michelle, Treasure’s Bridal, local independent jewelers and more.

“This event is all about downtown -- that’s our focus,” said event organizer Gwendalynn Grey. “We approached all the shops here and asked them to find their own models--family, friends, real women who shop downtown and represent downtown.”

Approximately 45 models are expected to represent the latest lines, which will hit the racks the next morning.

Ticket pricing is $20, which includes show admission (limited to 200 attendees) and a “passport” full of coupons from participating boutiques.

You’ll also get a free bag of goodies from Nostalgic Boutique, Healing Hands and Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation (IFDDC).

Styling will be provided by Vogue Beauty Salon and Urban Nook. Renowned Idaho Falls musician Craig Green will be providing an original score.

The event is sponsored by IFDDC and Idaho Falls Magazine.

For more information and ticket purchases, click HERE or contact Idaho Falls Downtown Development at 208-535-0399.


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