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INL, partners cut the ribbon on new facilities for supercomputing and cybersecurity

Published online: Oct 18, 2019 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 4295 time(s)

Idaho National Laboratory, the Idaho State Board of Education, and the Idaho State Building Authority have officially opened two brand-new buildings in Idaho Falls: the Cybercore Integration Center (CIC) and the Collaborative Computing Center (C3).

Totaling close to 150,000 square feet, the C3 and CIC buildings represent an endeavor by the state and INL to expand collaboration and employment opportunities for Idaho university students. Construction of the new buildings was financed by an almost $90 million bond approved by the Idaho Legislature in March 2017. INL and the state of Idaho have a long history of collaboration and partnership through joint research programs with Idaho’s three public universities – Idaho State University, Boise State University and University of Idaho – state agencies, and private industry. Like the nearby Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), which opened in 2009, CIC and C3 are owned by the state and leased to INL. 

"These facilities not only will enhance INL's supercomputing and cybersecurity capabilities, but also serve Idaho's university students and faculty for decades to come," said INL Director Mark Peters. "All of us at INL are proud to partner with the state to educate and train our students for great career opportunities, and we're thankful to everyone who made this possible."


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