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Portneuf Nurse named 2020 Ardent Nurse of the Year

Published online: Mar 11, 2020 East Idaho Health
Viewed 3547 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS -- Portneuf Medical Center recognized Page Monney, RN at Portneuf Medical Center, as the Ardent Health Services 2020 inaugural Nurse of the Year. In February Monney, along with four other Ardent nurses were recognized as DAISY Award winners in their respective divisions. On March 4, 2020, Ardent honored Monney with this recognition.

“I am delighted that Page Monney is our first Ardent Nurse of the Year” said Laurie Bigham, Ardent’s chief nursing officer. “He exemplifies the best of our profession, being truly present for his patients when they need him most. With 3,800 nurses in Ardent, this recognition is a high honor.”

Over the past two decades, Monney has worked in different nursing departments in the hospital. His recent DAISY Award highlights his service in the ICU. Monney recently cared for a family grieving the loss of their grandfather. A note from that family reads: “During the entire process, having him in the room was comforting to each and every one of us. We knew my grandfather respected him and respected his professionalism throughout his stay. Page was able to help my grandfather remain comfortable in his last few minutes with us and made the entire process of saying goodbye very peaceful.”

“Healthcare is always changing. Past changes have been driven by science, innovation and technology. Today's changes focus on people and quality care. My heartfelt thanks to all of our caregivers for the energy, innovation and patient-focus they bring to our hospital daily,” Mark Gregson, CEO said. “And congratulations to Page Monney.”


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