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Discover Idaho Falls: Sporting Goods Store Round Up

Published online: Jun 15, 2020 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation
Viewed 5309 time(s)

You can’t play your favorite sport if you don’t have the right supplies. Getting the right gear protects players for injuries and gives them the tools for success. Luckily all of the goods you need are right here in town. 

Bill’s Bike & Run

A bike is an absolute necessity if you live in the Idaho Falls area or if you plan on traveling in the areas in our region, such as Teton National Park or Jackson Hole. Biking can seem intimidating if you haven’t worked those muscles for an extended period of time, but ebikes, fat bikes and other specialized bikes will have you flying across the terrain in no time. The store also contains a host of running and other sports gear.

930 Pier View Dr

208-522-3341 //                                      

Teton Running Group

Running apparel, including shoes, shorts, bottles, shirts and much more are available at this local store. Runners and triathletes need to remain comfortable while conquering miles on foot. The store also sells accessories and nutrition to keep runners supplied while on the road.

3208 S. 25th E

208-525-6161 //

Ross Coin & Gun

Every Idahoan needs the latest in hunting and fishing. It’s an unspoken law of the land. At Ross Coin & Gun hunters can purchase ammunition, firearms and other supplies to fulfill their needs.  

390 N Eastern Ave

208-522-0847 //

Sportsman's Warehouse

Make a small purchase to ease some of the stress of the hunting and fishing life by investing in a Hydroflask or go big with a new tent, gun kayak or something more. Sportsman’s Warehouse has a range of supplies to keep you equipped and safe during your time outdoors.

2909 S 25th E

208-542-1900 //


Everyone knows Bass Pro Shop. Anonymity has made Cabela’s a store you can always trust to keep you supplied and up to date with the newest trends. Fishing isn’t their sole area of expertise. You can also pick up your new ATV, marine electronic, apparel and more.

3693 S. 25th E

208-932-2900 //

Click here to read Discover Idaho Falls.


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