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Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Partners with HOA, Installs New Playgrounds

Published online: Aug 06, 2020 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation
Viewed 4337 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS – Children of Idaho Falls have two new areas to recreate thanks to the City of Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Department and a partnership with a local homeowners association. 

Located just west of Sand Creek Golf Course, the Dunes Subdivision HOA partnered with the City to install a new playground in Dunes Park.  The HOA paid for the playground itself and the Department of Parks and Recreation installed and will maintain the equipment in addition to purchasing the wood chips surrounding the playground to ensure ADA compliance. 

“Even though we’re having to manage the effects of budget cuts due to COVID-19, Parks and Recreation is still working hard to improve our community and give children opportunities to get out and recreate,” said Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Director PJ Holm.  “We are really grateful to the Dunes residents for helping to offset the costs for that new playground. This will be a great new place for our kids to get outside and have some fun.”

Community Park also received a new playground, which was installed specifically for toddlers and stands adjacent to the playground with the new zip line that was installed last spring.  The new play area offers a new option for younger children to play on a safe playground that is geared specifically for children of younger ages. 

“We have noticed a large increase in the use of the City owned parks and green spaces through the pandemic,” said Holm.  “People have been cooped up in their houses and are really looking for quality ways to spend time with family and friends outside.  We hope people will be safe and use these new facilities to get out and help maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.”


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