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Preparing for Winter

Building an emergency kit for your car

Published online: Nov 06, 2020
Viewed 788 time(s)

It’s already November. That means the snowy season is nearly upon us. Those that are new to the area might want to take the roads a bit slower and be extra prepared for any delays or potential accidents. Even well-seasoned travelers and locals should review their plans and precautions to take during the winter season.

To help you get started, here is a short list of items you might want to consider tossing in the back of your car or truck in case of an emergency:

  • First aid kit

  • Snacks & water

  • Blankets

  • Extra winter clothes

  • Jumper cables

  • A bag of sand

  • A shovel

  • Ice scraper

  • Portable phone

Source: AAA Exchange

Click here to read more of the November isssue.


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