AMMON -- The City of Ammon will host the first annual “Icy Inferno” Christmas Tree bonfire and fireworks event on Saturday January 23, 2021 from 6-8 p.m. The event will be held at the far west end of McCowin Park.
Beginning December 26th, Christmas Trees may be deposited at the designated area in the lot on the corner of Williams and Targhee. Please help by placing trees directly on the pile. The Ammon Division of the Bonneville County Fire District will oversee the entire event to ensure safety. Several Ammon businesses are sponsoring this event and will be there giving away prizes in the form of product and services.
This event is strictly contingent upon the COVID environment as well as the wind. As such the event is subject to rescheduling, adjusting, or cancellation. If the event is cancelled, the fire district will burn the trees when their schedule allows.
Further details can be found on the City of Ammon Facebook page. If you have any questions, please email or call 208-709-0430.