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Announcing A New Company and Two Transforming Gifts

Published online: Feb 05, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 3829 time(s)
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IDAHO FALLS -- On Thursday, February 4th, a media/civic leader event was held at 10:00 a.m. at the Idaho Falls, Hilton Garden Inn to announce the formation of a new commercial construction company in eastern Idaho; Morgan Construction—A Division of ESI. The creation of this new company is the result of the sale of Morgan Construction and its acquisition by ESI.

The second announcement was, Matt & Lynne Morgan, the selling owners of Morgan Construction,  announcing a transforming gift from the proceeds of the sale of the company to Building Hope Today, the nonprofit they formed to prevent and reduce childhood sexual abuse.

The third, and final announcement was a gift from ESI Cares, the charitable arm of ESI Inc., presented to the Morgans to launch a new initiative within the nonprofit.  ESI Cares gift will establish Builders Building Hope, an annual partners initiative comprised of individuals and companies within the world of construction to underwrite the cause of Building Hope Today.

ESI is the largest construction enterprise in Idaho with national and international clients.  Morgan Construction—A Division of ESI will focus its attention on commercial construction projects across southern Idaho. Building Hope Today provides training to justice providers and equips child care advocates and families to prevent and reduce child sex abuse. Childhood sexual abuse is a nation-wide, silent epidemic. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys experience some form of sexual abuse prior to age 18.  


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