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National Security Leader Earns Career Achievement in Government Award

Published online: Feb 11, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 3123 time(s)
Web Exclusive

Zach Tudor, who leads Idaho National Laboratory’s national and homeland security research programs, will receive the Career Achievement in Government Award at this weekend’s virtual Black Engineer of the Year (BEYA) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Conference.

The event recognizes exceptional leaders whose actions have energized corporations and communities to create connections between minority students, educators and professionals in scientific fields. The conference is sponsored by the Career Communications Group, publisher of U.S. Black Engineer & Information Technology Magazine. It has taken place annually since 1986.

“Any time our land has made the call, we have stepped up,” said BEYA Chairman Tyrone Taborn. “This has been incredibly obvious during one of the most unprecedented global pandemics our society has faced. The conference allows these leaders further recognition while opening the door for further reach into the future generation of STEM leaders.”

As an associate laboratory director at INL, Tudor directs a staff of more than 800 people. Their work is responsible for nearly $500 million in annual research and development funding including programs focused on industrial cybersecurity, infrastructure resilience, nuclear nonproliferation and materials science. A 21-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, he has extensive experience in both the private sector and the federal government. He was recently appointed to chair the board of directors for the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, a nonprofit focused on cybersecurity certification.

"Zach's expertise and leadership abilities are respected by his colleagues inside and outside the laboratory," said INL Director John Wagner. "He is a leading national figure whose advice is frequently sought by Congress, industry, academia and government leaders from around the world. All of us at INL are grateful to Zach for his leadership and example and congratulate him on this notable achievement."

During his tenure at the laboratory, Tudor has led efforts to increase inclusive representation in INL’s hiring processes and internship and fellowship programs. Through the Graduate Education for Minorities in Engineering and Science fellowship program, he has provided career mentorship to students who came to the lab from underserved and underprivileged backgrounds, including those from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In the community, he has supported and sponsored important cultural activities through the Idaho Falls African American Alliance, the Idaho Falls Arts Council and the Museum of Idaho.


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