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2020 Festival of Trees delivers Holiday cheer to Development Workshop

Published online: Mar 12, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2818 time(s)
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IDAHO FALLS -- Faced with challenges from the pandemic, the 2020 Festival of Trees committee was forced to pivot and stage an online event last November. Unsure on how an online festival would be received after over 45 years of being an in-person celebration, the community answered with affirmation and made this unique experience a success!  Selling nearly all of the offerings, Festival of Trees Chair Kathie Hendrix was able to present Development Workshop Inc. with a check for $14,500 from the proceeds of this event.

Members of the Client Association and clients, along with DWI President/CEO McKayla Matlack gratefully accepted the donation as it will help support  outreach and inclusion through funding of Life programs within and throughout the community. In addition, DWI will be able to invest internally by updating the CPR/First Aid training and certification program for staff and by purchasing needed equipment for the expansion of the Commercial Sewing department which provides vocational training and paid work opportunities. DWI has been serving the developmentally disabled community in Idaho Falls and Southeast Idaho area for nearly 50 years.  CEO McKayla Matlack would like to recognize and thank all the volunteers who put in the endless hours each year. This has been a major fundraising event and contributor for the betterment of those served by DWI. This year's event is scheduled for November 15-19, 2021.

As March is National Developmental Disabled Awareness Month, Development Workshop’s Mission, of assisting individuals who have a disability or who are disadvantaged to recognize and to achieve their chosen level of economic and social independence, is working to continue to make an impact in this community.  


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