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A Community Difference

Published online: Mar 26, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 4874 time(s)

The opportunity to make a dramatic difference in one’s community comes along rarely. The Mountain America Center is a once in-a-generation chance to dramatically enhance the community outreach, education and entertainment opportunities of Eastern Idaho. 

Idaho Falls is the hub of Eastern Idaho, the largest metropolitan area between Salt Lake City and the Canadian border, and a major jumping off point for tourism in the Greater Yellowstone area. It is also a growing center of economic activity; since 2000, the population of the Idaho Falls area has grown a whopping thirty-one percent and the trend continues. Idaho Falls and Eastern Idaho need a facility to accommodate this growth and assist in the recruitment and retention of employees along with bringing quality events to the area.

Fundraising started with a land donation from Ball Ventures and a $4.5 million cash donation by Mountain America Credit Union. Recent donations from the Teton Auto Group, Admiral Beverages, Cooper Norman and the MDU Foundation have positioned this project for success. Over the next two months, it is extremely important that we identify other community champions to support this project and close the remaining $2 million dollar gap.

There are many different ways businesses and individuals can help meet our goal: 

Name a space in the Mountain America Center. Multiple naming opportunities still remain including the front entryway, secondary entrances, suites, parking lots and loge boxes. As a business this is a wonderful way to showcase your brand and make a huge difference for the community. 

Be recognized as a Mountain America Center Builder. For a contribution of $25k or more, you and/or your business will be permanently recognized as one of the founders who helped construct the Mountain America Center. In honor of this contribution, your business name or personal name will permanently appear on the “Donor Wall” to be located on the first level of the Center.

Name a Seat. For a contribution of $750 per seat, a plaque with your name, or a dedication of your choice, will be permanently secured to each seat. With over 4,000 theater style seats installed inside the Mountain America Center, there are plenty of opportunities. 

Plaza Brick. By purchasing a personalized plaza brick, your name will be permanently engraved into the walkway leading into the Mountain America Center. Your contribution of $250 will be forever recognized at the Center’s most prominent location.

The true value of these donations will lie in the knowledge that you have helped create a lasting legacy for the community — a legacy that will live on for generations to come.

One final thought: As a political subdivision of the State of Idaho, any entity or individuals making any contribution to the Idaho Falls Auditorium District will satisfy all the requirements of federal tax law in order to take and verify a charitable contribution deduction with respect to the donation. 

For More Information

Idaho Falls Auditorium District • Rob Spear, Executive Director • • 208 932-2729

 Click here to read more of our March issue.


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