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Choose Your Own Adventure

Mobile app helps local residents to explore together

Published online: Mar 26, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business Emily FitzPatrick
Viewed 3151 time(s)

Maybe you’re in the group of Idahoans counting down the days until the snow is gone, or perhaps you are trying to make the most of the last of the fresh powder dressing the mountains. Either way, R.D. Sortor and Mandi Hamilton have created an app they hope will help you to get out from behind the screen and connect. 

Are you wanting to go on an adventure this weekend, but all of your friends are busy? Maybe you were hoping to go snowmobiling close to home or perhaps you were wanting to share a weekend with someone skiing at Jackson Hole. The Get Along app can help you to connect with strangers who are interested in passing their time doing the same things, getting you out from behind the screen of your iphone and outdoors recreating.

“One of our biggest goals is creating these adventures and seeing strangers come together to enjoy something,” said Hamilton. “If it saves that one person from being miserable and maybe helps them to see people come together and realize that there's still people they can share time with—that is a success.”

Users of the app can filter their selections, including choosing what gender they wish to accompany them, their interests and who they would like to be able to see the adventure they have created. Adventures can range from vacationing to Florida to grabbing a cup of coffee at the Villa. All that matters is that you get out and explore! 


With any app where you choose to meet up with a stranger, making safe choices will enhance your enjoyment. There are various precautions the app creators have put in place to protect their users, including terms and conditions every user agrees to abide by, a small monthly charge to join, a GPS that shows your general location with no exact details and more. Some additional things users can do include picking safe public places to meet during the day and communicating with other users before meeting up.


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