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City of Idaho Falls Announces Process to Fill City Council Vacancy

Published online: Mar 12, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 3661 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS – At the Idaho Falls City Council meeting last evening, Idaho Falls City Councilwoman Shelly Smede announced her resignation from the City Council effective March 31, 2021.  

According to Idaho law, when a vacancy occurs on the City Council, that vacancy is filled by an appointment of the Mayor. That appointment is then ratified by the City Council.

City of Idaho Falls residents interested in filling the vacancy can submit a letter of intent to Idaho Falls Mayor Rebecca Casper for consideration to be appointed to fill the newly vacated seat. The letter should reference the applicant’s experience in the areas of leadership, policy and budgeting/finance, which correspond to the primary roles of a City Councilor. Applicants may also discuss community involvement and other relevant background as desired.  

In addition to the letter of intent, interested candidates must also submit a current resume.  Both the letter of intent and the resume can be sent via email to or delivered, in person, to the Office of the Mayor in City Hall, located at 308 Constitution Way. The City will accept applications for two weeks and will close at 5 pm on Friday, March 26, 2021. 

It is anticipated that the appointment will be made within a week of the application closing date and ratified by the Idaho Falls City Council on April 8. 

The successful candidate should be prepared to attend all of the City’s annual budget meetings beginning on April 2. A copy of the annual budget calendar can be obtained from the Mayor’s office.     


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