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Community Invited to Share Video Memories of IF

Published online: Mar 12, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2590 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS -- As part of the community outreach effort to create a vision for the future of Idaho Falls, the City of Idaho Falls Imagine IF campaign has released a community survey for residents, now in both English and Spanish.  

The link to the survey can be found at and can be accessed in both languages from that site.  

“The purpose of the survey is to understand generally opinions and priorities related to growth in Idaho Falls,” said Brad Cramer, Director of the Department of Community Development Services, the department conducting the Imagine IF campaign. “These general opinions and priorities will help guide City staff as they draft plans and policies related to growth.  These ideas will then be presented to the public for comment later in the summer.”

In addition to the community survey, the City has also created a unique video campaign for residents to share memories and stories relating to what they love about Idaho Falls.

Residents can record video memories and upload their photos of Idaho Falls as they related to six different topics such as places and events, memories of going to school, and what big ideas people have for Idaho Falls to consider for the future. The video memory submissions are intended to help City staff understand what connects Idaho Falls residents to the community. 

“The purpose of the video memories is to help us see what connects Idaho Falls residents to our city,” said Cramer. “What has made Idaho Falls a great place to live?  What are the important places, events, and character that the City needs to focus on preserving, even as the town grows?  Having an understanding of those things will help shape future policies related to preservation and growth.”

Both the survey and the video memory program can be found online at  The surveys will be available for residents to take until April 8 The video memory site will be available through the end of April.  


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