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Finding Peace at Yoga London

Yoga studio provides much-needed escape

Published online: Mar 19, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 3717 time(s)

Yoga London recently celebrated a year of business in Idaho Falls and is the only studio in the area to provide the full hot yoga experience, where you can exercise in a room of around 90 degrees plus 20-40% humidity. For members of the Yoga London community, working out at the studio is about much more than burning calories.

“You get the sense that the people with you are there to practice the same thing,” said studio manager, Meg Herbert. “Instead of being part of a gym and happening to take a class, you are specifically coming to get away from the stresses of the world to take a break and to reconnect with yourself.”

Yoga London offers friendly classes for beginners outside of their hot yoga studio. Instructors carefully walk newbies through steps and make adjustments to routines based on participants' needs. Businesses can also contact the studio to set up times for team exercises and corporate discounts. 

For More Information:

Yoga London • 3019 S 25th E Ammon, ID • 208-346-7080

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