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Branches in Bloom

Spice up your home landscape with these 6 flowering trees

Published online: May 21, 2021 Articles, Home And Garden, Lifestyle Aaron Brown
Viewed 6955 time(s)

As spring comes to life, seeing tulips and flowers bloom helps remind us of colorful days ahead. A great way to fill your yard with color is by planting flowering trees that can be enjoyed for many years to come. A single tree can be filled with thousands of blossoms and they can be full of fragrance. Flowering trees are also excellent for local pollinators and songbirds. These are a few of my favorite flowering trees for Eastern Idaho.

Sparkling Sprite Crabapple

Enjoy all four seasons of beauty with this compact tree. Spring begins with pink buds that bloom into an abundance of white flowers. Throughout the summer, bright green leaves densely fill the rounded shape. Throughout the fall and winter, golden crabapples turn to a beautiful golden orange and stay on the tree into the winter. This compact tree only grows 12 feet tall and wide so it’s a great choice close to your home. I would recommend planting it near a window so you can enjoy it from inside or near the entrance of your home where it will be noticed.

Pink Flair Cherry

You may be familiar with the gorgeous pink cherry blossoms that are abundant every spring in Japan. Most varieties of flowering cherry do not work well in our climate, but Pink Flair Cherry changes that. This tough tree will grow as far north as Ashton and blooms a little later than most cherries, so its blossoms will not be affected from late spring frost. Pink Flair has a nice branching pattern that makes it stand out from other trees. The bright orange fall color is also outstanding. 

Royal Raindrops

Royal Raindrops is one of my favorite flowering trees. In the spring, this tree blossoms with an abundance of magenta-pink blooms. The Royal Raindrops tree also has unique leaves. The leaves are a maroon-purple color and have an uncommon shape. In the fall, they transform to a bright orange color. Royal Raindrops is a tree that does not get too big, growing 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. The small quarter-inch crabapples grow on the tree and persist into winter, so they don’t fall and make a mess. 

Showtime Crabapple

In the spring, this tree blooms with dense clusters of fuchsia-red flowers. The flower clusters are so dense that you can barely see the branches. Crabapples grow on the tree and turn a beautiful red color that stands out against the fiery orange fall color of the leaves. You will see this new tree from Proven Winners in garden centers this spring. 

Crimson Cloud Hawthorn

I consider this tree to be a hidden gem among trees. They are not as commonly planted as crabapples, but they should be on your list of things to plant. The eye-catching blossoms look like tiny clusters of roses. Crimson Cloud blooms in early June, with reddish-pink flowers that have a white center. This compact tree grows 20 feet tall and wide, making it a great choice alongside the road or in a front yard. 

Heart’s Desire Redbud

Redbuds are common in Boise or in the Salt Lake valley, but uncommon in Idaho Falls. Most varieties of Redbud won’t tolerate our tough winters, but Heart’s Desire will. It has been tested for 40 years at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Redbud are known for their stunning lavender-pink blossoms that bloom profusely along their stems in early spring. Heart’s Desire grows to 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide. 

For more information about Eagle Rock Nursery visit or call 208-529-3305.


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