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Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel Returns to 24 Hours Daily

Published online: May 21, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 5967 time(s)
Web Exclusive

FORT HALL -- In consultation with the Fort Hall Business Council and local health agencies, the Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel announced a return to full time operations.

Beginning Thursday, May 20, 2021, the doors to the Gaming Floor will open at 9:00 am and remain open 24 hours a day. This will allow guests more flexibility in their plans and visits to the Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel.

In addition:

* Restrictions on Chiefs Event Center capacities will be lifted for events scheduled after the May 20th date.

* The Painted Horse Buffet Re-Opens on Friday, May 21st at 4 pm for Traditional Buffet Service. For more information, visit

* The Gaming Floor at Sage Hill Travel Center & Casino and Bannock Peak Casino will open seven days a week.

As a reminder, due to current concerns, the Casino Hotel is open with processes and protocols implemented for the health and safety of Guests, and Team Members. They are in effect until further notice. They include:

*         Facemasks are required, for all guests, to come on property.

*         No smoking will be allowed on the Gaming Floor. Smoking is allowed in designated smoking areas and outside of the physical building.

*         Physical distancing is strongly suggested throughout the property.

*         Hand Sanitizer stations are available throughout the property.

*         If a guest is not feeling well, they are asked to visit at another time.

*         Consuming food on the Gaming Floor is prohibited, until further notice.

*         Team Members are required to wear facemasks and where applicable, disposable gloves.

*         Team Members are required to maintain strict handwashing schedules.

*         Team Members are not allowed to be on property if they are ill.

More information regarding Safety Protocols may be found online at

Additional information, as well as our most recent media releases, may be found at


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