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City of Idaho Falls Releases Imagine IF Community Survey Results

Published online: Jun 09, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 4053 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS – The City of Idaho Falls Community Development Services Department (CDS) has released the results of their recent citywide "Imagine IF" survey.  The survey was launched earlier this year to help the department gather data and gain insight from the community to help prepare a plan for the future growth of the city.  

In addition to conducting a community wide, statistically valid survey, the CDS held five separate neighborhood meetings in February and March to gather input and get participation from specific neighborhoods from around the city.  All that data from the survey and public meetings will be used to craft the new Imagine IF plan, which will help guide growth for the future of the city.

“We are really grateful for the huge turnout and response both for the survey and the meetings. Staff gained valuable insights at both a citywide and localized, neighborhood level,” said CDS Director Brad Cramer.  “We committed to share the data we received from the survey, and we want everyone to have the chance to review the results we’ve received as we prepare for future outreach later this summer.”

They survey garnered great interest from the community and the number of respondents allowed the city to achieve a confidence level of 95 percent with a margin of error of five percent.   The survey was available to residents to take both in digital and paper format and was provided to the community in both English and Spanish.  

The survey results are available on Department of Community Development Services web page on the city’s website at  The website includes the survey summary report, full survey data set, and executive summaries for each five neighborhoods identified as part of the Imagine IF process.   The survey reports and community meeting results can also be found at 

“We were really thrilled with the response rate from the community and for their thoughtful answers in the survey and in the neighborhood meetings,” said Cramer.  “This effort provided very valuable information to help guide our efforts in determining what tools, programs, and policies will best meet the City’s needs as we continue to grow and develop.”

Once the community has had the opportunity to review the survey data, CDS will be engaging in additional community meetings to be held later this summer and in the fall.  Those meetings will be announced at a future date.   


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