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City of Pocatello Scores Two City Achievement Awards from Assoc. of Idaho Cities

Published online: Jun 23, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2738 time(s)
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POCATELLO - The City of Pocatello brought home award hardware from the Association of Idaho Cities’ Annual Conference.

The City walked away with two City Achievement Awards during the group’s Awards Banquet Thursday evening. The first was in the Youth Council category for the Pocatello Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council (MYAC) Essential Needs drive held in April. At the drive, MYAC members collected items like shampoo, soap, diapers, and more for those who are in need in the community. The collected items and monetary donations were distributed to five local organizations.

The second recognized the City in the Public Safety category for Pocatello’s participation in the “Stay Smart. Stay Safe. Stay Open.” campaign. The joint effort between Southeastern Idaho Public Health, City of Pocatello, Portneuf Health Partners, Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce, Idaho State University, and Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25 sought to “remind area residents of the importance of practicing key strategies to battle (COVID-19) and, in doing so, keeping the economy open.”

“We’re honored to be recognized by the Association of Idaho Cities,” said Mayor Brian Blad. “Thank you to the MYAC members, City staff, and project partners who were able to make these efforts a success.”

Last year, Pocatello earned a City Achievement Award in the Economic & Community Development category for the Northgate Interchange Public-Private Partnership.



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