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Idaho Falls Power Offers Simple Tips to Help Stay Safe, Save Energy in the Heat

Published online: Jun 28, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 3021 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS – High temperatures during the summer can place a huge strain on electric infrastructure as people turn on air conditioners to combat the high heat. The additional demand on the power grid not only strains electrical infrastructure, it also causes higher demand for power and higher costs to purchase electricity in energy markets.

It’s important to stay cool in elevated temperatures, and with forecasts of excessive heat in East Idaho next week, Idaho Falls Power has some simple and effective tips to stay safe, stay cool and save on energy costs:

  • Use fans to circulate air in your home.  Even with an air conditioner, fans help circulate the air to keep your home cooler.
  • Close curtains and blinds during the day to keep out sunlight.
  • Keep lights off as much as possible.
  • Replace old, incandescent light bulbs with new, low energy, low heat LED bulbs.
  • Open windows at night to circulate cooler air and let hot air dissipate.
  • Turn off and unplug unused appliances or electronics.
  • Cook meals outdoors on a grill or use a microwave.  Avoid using the stove or oven, which add heat to your home.
  • Do laundry or dishes during off peak hours, usually in the evenings.  Dry laundry outside or on a line if possible. 
  • Seal doors and windows.  Gaps let heat in and cool air escape.
  • Check and replace air filters to allow more air flow and to optimize energy usage. 
  • Upgrade your thermostat.  New, smart thermostats can more accurately and effectively optimize indoor temperatures and energy usage.
  • Check your insulation.  Poorly insulated homes are harder to cool in the summer and heat in the winter.
  • Try to avoid outside work or physical activity during the heat of the day. Do outdoor activities early in the morning or in the evening out of direct sunlight.
  • Stay hydrated.  It’s easier for your body to cool and regulate temperature if you are properly hydrated.

Idaho Falls Power wants you to have a safe and happy summer.  These simple and easy tips can help us all stay safe, conserve energy and stay cool, Idaho Falls!


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