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Idaho Steel Nominated for 'Coolest Thing Made in Idaho' Honor

Published online: Oct 12, 2021 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 3063 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLSIdaho Steel is excited to participate the 2021 'Coolest Thing Made in Idaho' Campaign. In celebration of National Manufacturing Day and Idaho Manufacturing Month in October, the Idaho Manufacturing Alliance (IMA) is presenting a virtual campaign to spotlight some of the great manufacturers in the state and identify the “Coolest Thing Made in Idaho.”

According to the IMA, Idaho is home to over 2,000 manufacturing companies and countless products that support consumers and businesses every day. This campaign hopes to highlight the brilliant Idaho makers and some of the most exciting things around.

Idaho Steel has been nominated for the Nex-Gem3 Rotary Former. Potatoes, as well as many other products, are increasingly being used as raw materials for differently formed products. Forming is a complicated process, resulting in a highly vulnerable end product. The Nex-Gem3 Rotary Former helps to take care of a number of issues for food producers.

"The Idaho Steel Nex-Gem Rotary Former is truly the ‘COOLEST THING’ in the processing industry," says Jon Christensen, Idaho Steel Director of Sales and Marketing. "It uses state of the art controls, and automation. These features give producers a better end product with more options and precision."

Nex-Gem Formers are on every continent on the planet, except Antarctica. They are used to create some of the most iconic potato forms known, such as McDonalds Hashbrowns and other global items such as classic shaped tater tots.

Anyone can vote daily at the Coolest Thing Made in Idaho Website, and Idaho Steel encourages all to vote for the Nex-Gem3 The first round of voting will end on October 18, 2021. Round 2 will occur October 21st-28th,2021 with the winners announced on October 29, 2021.


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