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George Vander Meer Appointed to Ammon City Council

Published online: Jan 24, 2022 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2791 time(s)
Web Exclusive

AMMON -- Mayor Sean Coletti has appointed George Vander Meer to fill the city council seat left vacant when Byron Wiscombe resigned from the seat in December. The Ammon City Council consented to Mr. Vander Meer’s appointment at its meeting on January 20.

George Vander Meer, a long-time Ammon resident, has worked in the insurance industry for over 30 years.  He volunteered on Bonneville County Sheriff Search and Rescue from 2003-2013, where he acted as Commander and Deputy Commander during part of that service.  He also served as a reserve deputy in the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office from 2009-2015.  He is a member of the Exchange Club and Elks Lodge #1087, where he assists various service groups in the community including the Domestic Violence Center, Champ’s Heart, the Field of Honor, and veterans groups.  He is married to Tina Vander Meer.

“George is a good man with a servant’s heart, who cares deeply about the City of Ammon,” said Mayor Coletti.  “This decision was extremely difficult as there were many great candidates who applied.  But ultimately, I am confident that George is the right person to fill this seat and am very pleased to have him on the city council.”

Idaho law states that vacancies on the city council are to be filled by appointment made by the mayor with the consent of the city council.  Mr. Vander Meer will fill the city council seat for a two-year term ending December 31, 2023, and the seat will be up for election in November of 2023 for an additional two-year term ending December 31, 2025.  In November 2025, this seat will be up for election for a standard four-year term.


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