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Honoring Police and Fire Dispatch for Answering the Call

Published online: Apr 18, 2022 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2312 time(s)
Web Exclusive

POCATELLO -- All this week is National Public Safety Telecommunications Week (NPSTW). The event is observed every second week in April to honor those tele-communicators who help save millions of lives every day, according to National Today.

Every day in Pocatello our dispatch team answers hundreds of 911 and non-emergency calls. Not only do they dispatch for police and fire for the City of Pocatello, they also dispatch for EMS and all of Bannock County.

When fielding each call they act as the first line of communication between the caller and our first responders. Dispatchers are the unseen heroes of first responders.

Right now, the City of Pocatello has 14 full-time and one half-time employee on the dispatch team. Three dispatchers have more than 20 years of experience and seven dispatchers have 10 or more years of experience with the City of Pocatello.

In 2020 there was a grand total of 152,453 total calls in and out of dispatch.

In 2021 there was a grand total of 154,033 total calls in and out of dispatch. That is an average of 422 calls coming in and out per day in 2021.

In 2021 the busiest month was August with 14,881 total calls.

- 911 calls, 1,738

- Non-emergency calls, 10,573

- Outgoing calls, 2,570

Thank you to all our 911 dispatchers for your years of service, hard work, and dedication. You are appreciated by the City of Pocatello and the community you serve.

Currently, the City of Pocatello is looking to hire four full time dispatch positions and one half-time position. Starting pay is $20.03/hour with benefits. To find out more information click HERE.


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