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Portneuf Medical Center Recertified as a Level II Trauma Center

Published online: Nov 18, 2022 East Idaho Health
Viewed 1053 time(s)

Pocatello, ID – Portneuf Medical Center’s Level II Trauma Center verification has been extended by the Verification Review committee (VRC), an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS).

“This achievement recognizes the trauma center's continued dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients,” said Drew McRoberts, MD, Trauma Surgeon. “There are only a handful of hospitals in Idaho that hold the Level II trauma center verification - Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello, Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise and Kootenai Health in Coeur d'Alene. This designation certainly sets PMC apart.”

Established by the American College of Surgeons in 1987, the Committee on Trauma (COT) Consultation/Verification Program for Hospitals promotes the development of trauma centers in which participants provide not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients. This spectrum encompasses the prehospital phase through the rehabilitation process.

“The extension of our verification reaffirms Portneuf Medical Center’s years of work and successful collaboration between physicians, staff, and administration to provide world class care to all trauma patients,” Dr. McRoberts said. “We work daily to refine our processes and improve our training. The residents and visitors of Southeast Idaho will continue to benefit from having access to a trauma center where patients get our full expertise, resources, and focus as we deliver excellence in emergency care.”

Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma in its current Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient manual.

Hospital officials said it’s not easy to get the Level II Trauma Center verification. “Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma in its current Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient manual,” according to information from Mary Keating, Director of Marketing.

The program provides confirmation that a trauma center has demonstrated its commitment to providing the highest quality trauma care for all injured patients.


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