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Ducks Successfully Wade into Idaho Falls

Ducks Successfully Wade into Idaho Falls

Published online: Aug 02, 2023 Discover Idaho Falls
Viewed 1745 time(s)

The ducks have made their way to Idaho Falls and arrived at DWI (Development Workshop Inc.) for the 32nd Annual Great Snake River Greenbelt Duck Race to be held on Saturday August 12th.  DWI clients have begun to process the over 20,000 ducks and prepare them for their race by cleaning them up from their last race, then removing the old and placing the new ID stickers on them.  The Duck Race project is a highlight for everyone at DWI.

The Duck Race is sponsored by the Idaho Falls Rotary Club to benefit the Greenbelt Riverwalk projects.

DWI is a nonprofit agency with a mission of assisting individuals who have a disability or who are disadvantaged to recognize and to achieve their chosen level of economic and social independence.  


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