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Causing a Scene

East Idaho mom+daughter duo launch photo booth business

Published online: Jan 04, 2024 wedding
Viewed 1269 time(s)

Cause a Scene Photo Booth launched in 2022 by Alison Banta and her daughter, Bailee Grover. They didn’t set out to start a photo booth business; they just wanted to have a memorable reception after Bailee’s wedding.

We really wanted a photo booth but found the options were very limited in our area,” Alison said. “We did finally find one and had such a great time. That started us thinking that maybe we could start our own photo booth business.”

After a few months of researching the possibilities, they took their ideas and launched Cause A Scene Photo Booth.

What makes Cause A Scene unique is the open-air booth concept. It is easy to set up in almost any location, indoor or outdoor. They offer a variety of backdrops to choose from to coordinate with any theme or color scheme. Some of their clients even opt to use their location landscape as a backdrop. The open-air concept allows them to provide the perfect background for any event.

Customization is another detail it provides for clients. The tap-to-start screen is the first thing guests see when stepping up to the booth. “We work with our couples to incorporate design elements from their theme to include their photo, name and wedding date. We have even added a pet’s photo onto one couple’s screen. That added personal touch makes the experience just a lot more memorable.” Alison said.

One of the most exciting features included in all of the packages is the digital delivery of photos. Guests can take unlimited photos and receive them instantly by text, email or airdrop. They also offer the option of photo printing. Guests love to take a photo memory with them from events. They offer a variety of sizes and customized templates adding to the personal touch. At the conclusion of the event their clients receive a full digital copy of the entire gallery creating an additional photo keepsake.

Our favorite thing about the photo booth is that it brings people together and encourages interaction with guests. Guests have a great time grouping together for poses and creating memories,” Alison said.

For more information contact 208-241-4300 or visit and find them on Instagram and Facebook at CauseAScenePhotoBooth.


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