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Downtown Family Fun Activities

By Courtney Hernandez

Published online: Jun 04, 2024 Family Fun Guide
Viewed 2608 time(s)

Go on a Bench Scavenger Hunt:

Track down all the benches in the Art You Can Sit On series. There are 18 benches in Historic Downtown and 21 more around the River Walk!

Idaho Falls Farmers Market:

Back and bigger than ever, visit the open-air farmers market on Memorial Drive every Saturday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., May – October.

Idaho Falls Art Walk:

Explore the artistic world of Downtown Idaho Falls through the Art Walk! Murals, galleries, Free Little Art Galleries, wrapped traffic cabinets and more! First Thursday, May – October!

Idaho Falls Downtown Development Events:

Attend one of the events hosted by IFDDC! We host various events including shopping events, dog events, brew events, and downtown scavenger hunts throughout the year! Stay up to date on our Facebook, Instagram and website for upcoming events.

Free Little Art Galleries:

Create for IFDDC’s Free Little Art Gallery! They work like a little library, where you can create a piece of art for the gallery, or you can take a piece of art home with you.

Support local:

Shop and eat at small local businesses! Clothing, games, treats, decor and more are found at local businesses downtown. Stop by IFDDC’s office to grab a brochure and a map!

ARTitorium on Broadway:

Step into a world of creation for little minds and let your kid's imagination and creativity flow!

Possibly Picasso:

Paint your own pottery at Possibly Picasso! Children can design their own piggy bank, plate, or other small figurines!

WeeBee Toys:

Not just a toy store! WeeBee’s believes play is important, so visit and stay while at their play areas!

Centre Theatre:

Catch a movie at the theater in Downtown, Centre Twin!

Colonial Theater:

Find family friendly productions hosted at the Colonial Theater.

Idaho Escape Rooms:

Test your puzzling skills by breaking out of an escape room!

Winnie & Mo’s Bookshop:

Find a new book to read, explore the tree house, or join them for Saturday story time!

Eat Downtown:

Pizza, tacos, sandwiches and more! You can find something for even the pickiest of eaters in downtown.

Roaring Youth Jam:

A three-day art festival in August for your whole family! Step into a world of creativity and spend the day crafting!

River Walk:

Explore the walking paths and waterfalls that are just across the road from Historic Downtown Idaho Falls!

Museum of Idaho:

Dive into history at the Museum of Idaho and explore there many different exhibits and learning opportunities.

Idaho Falls Public Library:

Follow the Idaho Falls Public Library to get updates on their extensive calendar of events for all ages! Children’s story times, Lego club, knitting club, and more!


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