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3, 2, 1, liftoff: Museum of Idaho Takes Flight with "Above and Beyond" Exhibit

Published online: Aug 05, 2024 Family Fun Guide
Viewed 1658 time(s)

By Camille Thomas, Museum of Idaho

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you could fly? Above and Beyond, the Museum of Idaho’s current special exhibit, invites you to experience the thrill of flight firsthand while exploring the ever-advancing world of aeronautics. 

Design and test-fly your own supersonic jet, navigate a drone into the heart of a hurricane to measure its force, spread your wings and experience flight as a bird, take a virtual elevator ride to the edge of space and so much more.

Crafted by experts from institutions like NASA and Boeing, this world-class exhibition debuted at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in 2015 and has since traveled around the globe, reaching over 6 million museumgoers. 

Now, for the first time, it is being presented in Idaho. 

The museum’s executive director Jeff Carr remarked, “This is really a special exhibit in terms of the amount of interactivity involved. We’re always pushing for something new, and that’s where this one really shines. Almost everything you see in the exhibit you can interact with in some way to learn more.” 

Located in downtown Idaho Falls, the Museum of Idaho is the state’s largest history and science center. The expansive museum hosts two world-class traveling exhibits each year, alongside their flagship Idaho exhibit, Way Out West, which is open year-round along with rotating local exhibits. Above and Beyond is open through January 5, 2025.

Above and Beyond is created by Evergreen Exhibitions and is brought to you by Boeing and local presenting partner Aero Mark, Inc.


Museum of Idaho

Hours: Mon - Sat: 10am-6pm | Sun: 1-5pm

200 N Eastern Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402


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