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Service Impacts Community

Published online: Nov 25, 2024 Lifestyle Susan Stucki
Viewed 1217 time(s)

In recognition of The National Day of Service and Remembrance, an army of over 1,000 young adults stormed the City of Idaho Falls and both local school districts armed with shovels, rakes, and paintbrushes, ready and willing to make a difference in the community. Collectively, this group of volunteers donated 900 hours of service in 2.5 hours with just city projects.  Renee Buchan, city volunteer coordinator reported, “This was one of the largest volunteer efforts our department has received in one morning and is certainly the largest number of projects done in one day across multiple areas of the city.”

Divided into groups, some worked on the Riverwalk, the Rock Garden, or Rose Hill Cemetery. Another set of enthusiastic volunteers painted over graffiti on street signs. Another prepared a field for t-ball play. Volunteers painted and stained several bridges, benches, and a restroom. 

Throngs painted the back of the fence at Melaleuca Field.  Buchan shared, “This project was one that the group really helped us accomplish.  What would have taken 2+ weeks of staff time was accomplished in 2 hours with volunteers.  We could not accomplish completing this project without the help of these volunteers.” 

Buchan expressed her deep appreciation. “I would like to thank the volunteers for their time.  Each project made an impact and contributed to our community to keep our parks looking beautiful. The amount of work done would take us multiple years to accomplish with all the other daily maintenance our employees have to complete before moving on to these projects and this group accomplished them in just a few hours. With the help of the volunteers, we were able to do so much more and truly make an impactful difference.”

In addition, many joined forces from this ambitious group at three District 91 schools. School grounds were prepared for the coming school year with flower beds and areas around the school cleaned, weeded, refreshed. These were big projects but nothing these determined volunteers couldn’t conquer. Kelly Coughenour, an assistant at the district, praised the group. “This was awesome, exactly what we needed. Literally, we couldn’t be happier.”

“Fantastic!” was the word that expressed Heath Jackson’s reaction of the service rendered to School District 93. A middle school and all three high school grounds were recipients of this group’s service. Stadiums, sports complexes and campuses were cleaned. Work on these extra projects would not have been accomplished without these unselfish warriors’ service. Jackson praised Brad Hall, Brennan Summers, and their efficient team who meticulously organized, supervised, and guided the work for each project. Another 120 from this willing multitude of young adults volunteered to serve at the Humanitarian Center filling 500 school bags and tying a dozen quilts that will be distributed locally. “Wonderful experience” was the overwhelming response of these volunteers to Mozelle Neville, the Center’s Director. 

In another service campaign, about 160 people joined forces as they commemorated National Day of Service by collecting and donating a multitude of food and products for the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission. This is the third year Julie Winn and her team have organized the project to help fill the mission’s shelves. 

Cody at the facility praised the group, “We operate solely by donations, so this contribution is such a blessing. Our food pantry was getting quite low. We serve meals 365 days of the year to about 80 guests each night.  We also provide food for the crisis center and the youth crisis center. It was an amazing blessing and will help us run the place. We appreciate this donation.” 

Remember by serving is the motto for National Day of Service and this group remembered and provided for the needs of others.   

Our community is a better place because of generous volunteers who sacrifice their time and resources that truly make a difference. 


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