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Drive & Drop Set for April 11

Published online: Mar 18, 2015 Lacey Bennion
Viewed 1129 time(s)

When spring finally rolls around, most folks in our community let out a sigh of relief. It’s finally the chance to get out of the house with no need for a heavy coat and boots, to stretch our legs and soak up some much-needed sunshine. Sadly, some of our neighbors have spring activities far from their minds; their greatest concerns are empty cupboards and how they’ll put food on the table. As friends and neighbors, it’s our duty to lend a hand wherever we can, but with limited opportunities to give during warmer months, it can be a challenge to know the best means to give. We have an answer for you: Drive & Drop, a day where you can feel confident that what you give goes the farthest for our community. 

Drive & Drop, the semi-annual donation drive hosted by Idaho Falls magazine, makes giving back to our neighbors easy as pie. This spring, Drive & Drop is on Saturday, April 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., located at Albertsons on 17th Street and Holmes Avenue.

The formula is simple: stop by our donation station with canned food and nonperishable goods, volunteers will unload the goods from your car, and you drive away with a coupon for free frozen yogurt in hand. You don’t even have to get out of your car! We’ll deliver your donation to four local nonprofits for you. It’s the easiest and fastest way to give to families in Idaho Falls who need a helping hand.

In September 2014, we received over 700 donated goods at Drive & Drop. We’re determined to beat that number this April. We’ll see you there!

Donated goods will be delivered to the following nonprofit agencies:
  • City of Refuge shelter
  • The Haven shelter
  • Idaho Falls Community Food Bank
  • The Soup Kitchen

Suggested goods to donate
Canned/Nonperishable Goods:
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Cream soups
  • Canned soup and chili
  • Dried beans
  • Canned meat (chicken, tuna)
Cleaning Supplies:
  • Laundry detergent
  • Bleach
  • Dish soap
  • Bathroom cleaner
  • Toilet paper and paper towels

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