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The ZOO Needs YOU

Idaho Falls Zoo seeks adult volunteers for off-season

Published online: Aug 01, 2018 Articles, Education And Arts
Viewed 4320 time(s)

A quick word from the city on behalf of its resident critters:

The Idaho Falls Zoo needs YOU, even when it's closed to the public in fall and winter. According to the City, adult volunteers are essential to the zoo. Specifically, zoo managers are seeking people to help with zoomobiles (off-site presentations at schools), animal care, and fall and winter grounds and exhibit maintenance.

Applications are now available at the Idaho Falls Zoo’s website under the Get Involved tab. Please email completed applications to or drop by and see us at the zoo’s administrative office between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Applications for adult volunteers (ages 18+) must be received by Aug. 27.

All prospective zoo volunteers must be able to work independently, undergo an interview, background check, and if selected a series of training programs. Adult volunteers must become members of the Zoological Society, purchase a uniform shirt, and may be required to submit medical information. The approximate program fees annually are $50.

For questions, contact Megan Donovan, volunteer coordinator at (208) 612-8453 or


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