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For the Love of Theater

Published online: Feb 28, 2020 Articles Erin Nazario
Viewed 2809 time(s)

While compiling my lists of what people thought about theater, I was incredibly moved by many of the emails, comments, and personal stories I received from parents, fellow performers, teachers and students. One theme that stood out the most among the responses I collected is love: Love for others, love for the craft, but more importantly -- love for themselves. 

There is a sense of belonging and feeling supported by peers within the arts that is unique. Theater is a refuge for many and a safe place. It is not just life-changing. Theater can and has been life-saving to so many. 

What Students Love: 

  • Amazing friendships they make
  • Ability to leave the real world behind and just be someone else for a while
  • Expressing themselves through all types of dance in addition to using music and singing to transport the audience and themselves into a story
  • Feeling like they belong

What Educators Love:

  • Confidence they see grow in their students over the course of a production
  • Inclusivity that theater offers--even for those who do not want to be in the spotlight
  • The fact that theater offers a way for kids (and adults) to find expression and understanding of their own emotions and feelings
  • Reading and math skills, which improve tremendously

What Audience Members Love:

  • Witnessing magic while being transported into another world
  • Watching the children get excited and having fun on stage
  • Element of surprise from a powerful drumline to an encore or clever curtain call
  • How personal, how beautiful, and how connective theater is for the audience to be immersed into a story

What Parents Love:

  • Confidence their child gains through the entire process of the production
  • Skills that the children acquire 
  • Memories that their children will cherish for a lifetime
  • The life-changing and incredibly transformative experience

What Directors and Performers Love:

  • Dedication of each performer, crew member, staff member, musician
  • Ability to problem-solve within seconds due to the nature of “live” theater
  • Where else can you burst into song and sing exactly how you feel and have the perfect accompaniment?
  • Feeling of being a part of something greater than themselves.

Theater is powerful. It has the power to help a struggling child find his or her voice. It has the ability to transform society in a way that nothing else can. It is accepting when so many other places are not; and it has the capacity to be a refuge for a lost soul. Every child should have an opportunity to participate and grow in such a setting, and this city has a fair amount to offer. Themes run through every aspect of the arts, but the one theme that seems to ring the truest is love.



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